
ideas:fire ant super major or major,pheidole tepicana: big headed ant,cerebara diversa: asian maraduer ant: cerebara diversa,tropical fire ants,whip spider campaign,dig trough the enemy s nest.
Please put it into the empires of the undergrowth.


Answers. fire ant major will be added, but solepnosis invicta fire ants do not have super majors, only solepnosis geminata fire ants and possibly a few other species have super majors. Yes, big headed ants will indeed be added, but it will not be pheidole tepicana, it will be pheidole morisii big headed ants that will be added to the fire ant update. Carebara diversa Asian marauder ants have not been announced, but its possible that they will be added at some point in the game. Just like the marauder ants, Solepnosis geminata Tropical fire ants have not been announced, but maybe, just maybe it might be possible to be added to the game. The whip spider level fits the secret level category (including hungry spider and festive spider) but the digging mechanic might be a bit difficult for the developers to code it. Overall these are nice suggestions.
Please do not post multiple replies in a row. Instead edit your original reply.
the pheidole morisii is very small but the pheidole tepicana is big


Answers. fire ant major will be added, but solepnosis invicta fire ants do not have super majors, only solepnosis geminata fire ants and possibly a few other species have super majors. Yes, big headed ants will indeed be added, but it will not be pheidole tepicana, it will be pheidole morisii big headed ants that will be added to the fire ant update. Carebara diversa Asian marauder ants have not been announced, but its possible that they will be added at some point in the game. Just like the marauder ants, Solepnosis geminata Tropical fire ants have not been announced, but maybe, just maybe it might be possible to be added to the game. The whip spider level fits the secret level category (including hungry spider and festive spider) but the digging mechanic might be a bit difficult for the developers to code it. Overall these are nice suggestions.
Fire ant majors? Can you be a bit more specific here on what do you mean?


Fazekas, we get it, there are a lot of idea's that we want in the game, but not all things can be added to our favorite game. I really do think Myrmecia Gulosa will be the 5th tier ant species, but that might not be the case, and that can be a little dissapointing, but we should enjoy what the game has in store already, because if something that you want isn't added, that doesn't mean that the other things aren't fun as well.

syrian dugong

Ecosystem Beta Tester
Solenopsis invicta colonies are entirely monomorphic, meaning they don't have majors nor super majors (This is likely why we have no pictures of any S. invicta major caste). Some of the workers are large and some are small but they are all the same actually.
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Solenopsis invicta colonies are entirely monomorphic, meaning they don't have majors nor super majors. Some of the workers are large and some are small but they are all the same actually.
Yes, i know that, but i still thought they were called "majors" and i think in one of the newsletters they said that they will have majors, or maybe its just me. Either way i'm excited for the fire ant update!


Yes, i know that, but i still thought they were called "majors" and i think in one of the newsletters they said that they will have majors, or maybe its just me. Either way i'm excited for the fire ant update!


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