Its Not Christmas Anymore!


On the twelfth day of Christmas EOTU hopefully gave to meeee, 12 new levels, 11 types of ants, 10 tiger beetles, 9 tb larva, 8 spiderly wolves, 7 beetle larva, 6 hermit crabs, 5 deaaaaaaaaad fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish, 4 soldier ants, 3 rapid fire, 2 morters, and a freeplay mode for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!


Maximum difficulty
Beta Tester
Extremely Helpful Person
As great as 12 new levels sounds, I'm expecting a digital homicide style where it's 2.1 repeated 12 times with different models for the same enemies and a slight variation in assets.


I imagine all future levels are going to have time constraints... 1.1 is the only level where you are not racing the clock to be strong enough in time for slavers/night raids/day incursions. It's the first level, so, understandable.

But I really enjoy that level, probably for that reason, and hope to see more like it. It is my go-to level for grinding food. The others I will occasionally replay on hard. (I am content to know that for at least one level, insane is too difficult for me)


Fun fact @Rayalot72 the 3rd level in the slaughtering grounds is just the 2nd level but with more grass. I've played it myself so I know.