Mid-week Progress Post: Funnel web spider - Segestria florentina


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Now we've more or less stopped stopped adding arachnophobia warnings to things, but we feel this probably warrants it again. Arachnophobes, be warned! This is the animation set for the latest creature we've added to the game.

Segestria florentina, a funnel web spider; she is large, fast, and equipped with a deep, powerful bite. Her lair is carpeted by sheets of silk woven between trip wires that radiate out from the entrance. She can detect even the slightest vibrations with her sensitive legs; any ant that strays too close will be snapped away in the blink of an eye.



I recommend that you put bug corpses on the sides of her spider web funnel. It will give a small amount of dread and realism while hunting this thing.


Community Manager
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Not immediately for early access, but I imagine we'll add a trapdoor spider one day. They're too cool to not.