Sausage Fly Capture


Not sure if someone's mentioned this already, but the idea of driver ants (siafu) capturing the males of the species (sausage flies) and carrying them back to the nest sounds like it could be an interesting idea for a level. Two or three colonies of driver ants could compete to capture the males that wander into the environment, with each one giving you a point and maybe another small bonus.

What do you think?


I saw! Like you said, they're the largest of the army ants, and so it had me thinking. If they were playable, I had the idea giving their workers a permanent boost to their damage like the upgrade for workers in the formicarium. The trade off could be that they cost 30 food instead of 20 like most workers, and the increased strength would be to balance out how relatively few of their expensive soldiers you'd be able to afford.