Smarter Creature Al

Can you please make a smarter creature AL update? Since ant AL has been improved, can you make smarter bugs? For example:
-Bugs will choose to retreat if they seem to be overwhelmed , as real animals aren't sucidal
- Bugs will prioritize going for the easiest targets with the most meat on them For example, a tiger beetle may choose to attack a medium spider instead of a group of Level 3 ants
-Some bugs will instinctively run from others that are their natural predators (For example, small spiders will NEVER fight tigerbeetles, all small creatures will NEVER fight preying mantis/whipspider)

carp worker

а реально билоби намного лутше если би ето произошло ато схватки кажутца слишком простими


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There's the consideration to this that we're making a strategy game, not a simulation. At some point having animals hide and never or rarely attack just becomes frustrating. Imagine if most creatures were like the harvestman - which is so annoying to fight against we even have the narrator call it a "striding nuisance".

carp worker

вот тут и проблема: я очень ценил би игру если би ето било чтото между симулятором и стратегией,а не тупо стратегия да ивсе
Тимболие я не любитель стратегических игр, а в EOTU играю только потомучто есть муравьи.
если не можете или не хотите делать игру стратего-симулятор то хотяби зделайте матку подвижной(чтоби она двигалась в рамках своих плиток и не подчинялась игроку)а вот стратегичиский стиль игри можно и убрать но сохранив от него части.
При этом следует учитывать, что мы делаем стратегическую игру, а не симуляцию. В какой-то момент когда животные прячутся и никогда или редко нападают, это просто разочаровывает. Представьте себе, если бы большинство существ были похожи на жнеца, с которым так неприятно бороться, что рассказчик даже называет это «шагающей неприятностью».
а поповоду жуков оставьте так как есть.
There's the consideration to this that we're making a strategy game, not a simulation. At some point having animals hide and never or rarely attack just becomes frustrating. Imagine if most creatures were like the harvestman - which is so annoying to fight against we even have the narrator call it a "striding nuisance".
What about making it a "Realistic Mode" feature after Tier 5 is complete? It could also function as a freeplay-only optional mechanic.


There is a realistic mode feature in the game already, but it's only used for mainly adjusting some visual settings, such as showing the pheromone marker arrow. This was recently expanded, and has its own menu in the game's settings, but there isn't much else to it.

I do feel that expanding creature AI is a cool idea in theory, but it's simply not practical for the game. From the beginning - as Mike mentioned, the game was designed with being a strategy game, and not a simulation. Designing a new option in the settings for more advanced creature AI would take a significant amount of time to work on, and all campaign levels would likely need to be edited. It's also worth mentioning the levels have their own respective difficulties and scripts, which would likely need to be taken into consideration for a feature.

Even with it being optional - for a feature that was never highly requested, it seems like an unnecessarily lot of work for a feature that may not be used much. It's also again the issue of the game's purpose of trying to be an Ant RTS, not a simulation. However, whilst it likely isn't well-suited for EotU, perhaps Slug Disco could focus on more sophisticated AI for their next project.