Spiders Getting Stuck at Nest Entrance in Formicarium

I've been setting up different formicariums for both trees of ants you can get and have consistently run into the problem where a spider will get stuck on the entrance of the nest on the final wave of formicarium challenge 2. It has happened almost every time I have done the challenge and it doesn't seem to be able to unstick itself. I attempted to leave the challenge running to wait it out and after two hours it still hadn't moved. Ranged ants cannot target it and melee ants cant see it.



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Could you let us know which version of the game you're running (most recent is 0.11421)
It is the most recent as I took that screenshot maybe 5 mins before I posted this, though I have seen it occur in the past two patches. I have had it happen maybe 4-5 times and sometimes it will eventually break itself free, but it has once fixed itself once.


Community Manager
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Community Manager
John is going to be annoyed - he was sure this problem was fixed! Passing it on to him :p
I've been spamming Form Challenge 2 to see how effective Royal Decree is. I will see if it happens anymore, but I have beat FC2 twice more without problem after the last instance of the spider getting stuck.


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Try moving the ants underground. This actually happens to me loads when I spam wolf spiders, but when I look overground to see what the red dot is it starts moving. Not really sure what causes it, but it might be some weird thing with the AI or something.
I tried that, It won't respond to me moving any of my ants in and out of the nest. I have attempted it and the spider doesn't even seem to acknowledge the ants moving.