what I think this games needs

Engelish is not my native language. sorry for miss pelling on the forehand

First off all.

What an amazing concept! i'm totally in love with this game.
on the other hand after 50 hours of play time.
I feel the best thing to do is give my opinion and suggestions.

There are multiple ideas that i want to addres that I personly thinks that needs to be added to this game.

-Learn from other studios mistakes-
allways listen to your playerbase.
But i must say, from what i've seen i feel like i dont need to worry.
quick hotfix :)

Multiplayer is What a game keeps alive- albert einstein ;D

from my own experience (in a big fps/rts clan) we are more likely to buy a game (even in early acces) when there's a multiplayer. it's way more fun... lets us choose a nest. fight against or with eachother against a strong environments and ants AI.

-Teaming up-
lets say we play a 4vs4 game.
team 1 against team 2.
there should be a way to give your teammate food to (re)-build there army.

-Big map-

A big map that changes overtime (floods etc) strong insects. a king of the hill idea.
A piece of land so rich of food. ( a dropped lollipop or a icecream ) worth fighting over against other players in that game. a map that is big enough to choose not to encounter you enemys just yet. build up forces. for when the supplies dry out and we have to go more dangerous locations.

-forced queen location-

I think we should be able to choose our own queen location in the nest.
That will gives playes the tools to plan there nest. but why?

Gives players the possibilitie to set a second or third defend within the nest.
the opposing team needs to plan the attack more carefully. and has to keep sending in troops or do it in waves?


with multiplayer comes the possbility to build a clan.
A group of friends that can play for fun or compitive games. maby add a scoreboard?
Organize Events and stream it
This game has the potential to be alive for a long long time.
Because its different than other games. the concept is nice.
the layout is amazing. but be carefull treat it with love.

We should be able to steal other colonies there food.
Let the strongest nest rule and controle the weak.
Steal there eggs.
the option to kill all the soldiers eggs after they are defeted or steal tham and raise them for your own good. so the attacking team can be sure to add this to there plan.

update train *choochoo*
Give us a train of updates to look foward to. add piece by piece. but do not rush it.
Please keep that in mind. add videos on youtube where you show your playerbase the development of this game. keep close contact with us. lets cuddle.

keep on going!

i'll update this list when there are ideas flooting into my head

found bugs

when a worker or soldier drops there food to fight and dies. the food just lays there and cannot be pickedup


they've addressed all of this lol. There is a lot of things they aren't doing yet cause they aren't even done with the game. Reminder there is 3 people making this game, 2 of which have full time jobs, and don't get paid for it either like other games.

Clans thing tho i don't see a reason for it. Find or make a discord server(which there might already be one) who talk and play the game. Basically looking for a community of single-players.