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  1. Planemaster

    Game performance

    Since playing freeplay, I've noticed that there is a rather steep performance decline after around 100 - 120 ants on my setup. Now, I know this is probably normal and my system does undercut the minimum requirements but I'm curious as to what everyone else gets. Here are my frames and setup...
  2. Planemaster


    Basically what the title says, we should have a discord server for this game seeing as lots of other games do the same thing.
  3. Planemaster

    Who would win?

    A giant colony of Army Ants or a Giant Ant Eater.
  4. Planemaster


    At what rate does my queen ant produce eggs? Is it a set amount of time (e.g. Every second) or is it as many as the workers can fetch them and put them in the nurseries?
  5. Planemaster

    Post your high scores!

    I think the title is self explanatory here. Post your high scores on the Casual, Moderate and Intense difficulties on the Surrounded level or on the highest wave on the hold out level. Currently, my Casual High score is around 100K but at that point, the games FPS drops to about 1 so I give up...
  6. Planemaster

    Pheromone marker idea

    The interface for deleting a marker is rather "clunky", mainly because I have no other word for it but also because you have to swap between the build UI and the Main UI to do this. Before we used to have a way through this by right clicking but this would delete any nearby markers...
  7. Planemaster

    Hello from England

    I'm not sure how I brought myself to EoTU but I'm glad I did. Just a quick question but what is the likely cost of the full game when it's released?