The chaotic part of nature


I know this might be qsuite confusing because it is, but i think that it is something that could be very appreciated in a game like this. Weather, anteaters being a threat for the nest, storm, but also other bugs coming.

There is a lot of paramters that can be added to the game, i just don't know which ones are doable.


Community Manager
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Community Manager
These sorts of things (in particular weather, etc) will find a place in Freeplay mode, which one of our developers John is currently working on :)
Yay after reading 7 pages i found what i was looking for!

Nature is chaotic thats true, but i would go even further. (I know this probably would be for a much later update, but i can dream right? :p)

Adding bigger treats that are almost unavoidable for your ants, treats you can't conquer (looking at freeplay for example, you can overrule the entire map if you play correctly, no challenges to stay alive when you conquered the early games.) BUT adding treats, that are handled without proper care, could destroy the colony. For example, when it starts to rain, ants need to get back into their colony in time... otherwise they will all die (for example, i'm exagerating to make my point, don't take it tooo serious).
Lightning hitting plants or trees and leave them burning, if ants pass through, they also die. Earthquakes that collapses the underground... making rooms that are empty... filled randomly again. If dirt falls on eggs or storageplace, they get destroyed...

Ant-eaters like fireflame said. Just passes through randomly... starts licking with his tongue at the entrance to find something to eat.. and he can eats lots if they keep coming.

and now i'm going to say something i know is for way way way more in the future and i don't think this will ever make it in this game but... for example a giant foot walking or passing by on the map leaving destruction behind (Yes, from a human) A shadow appears, gets bigger and bam, everything underneed, dies.. The positive side of this.. You can combine it also with a cookie that falls randomly through the sky.. attracting other species also ofcourse.
Same as a human trying to destroy a nest, pouring toxic over the map or at some places... ants that are infected can still survive for like 3 minutes but then die afterwards.

i'm kinda brainstorming here, i really think some ideas would make the game better, i know it can take some time when we hit this tho. Nevertheless would be a cool extra option at free play or in some game modes.


Extremely Helpful Person
It would be really cool for the weather to not just affect the player but enemy colonies. It would be very difficult probably to program the hive bots to react smartly when being destroyed by something like rain, but it would be awesome.
Buffalo981 said:
It would be really cool for the weather to not just affect the player but enemy colonies. It would be very difficult probably to program the hive bots to react smartly when being destroyed by something like rain, but it would be awesome.

I think you can imput a line of code that says like the following. If(startstorain) then(retreat to base) else (do whatever you want)

This is oversimplification i know :p but its not impossible cause A.I. can react differently and quicker than humans do, because of the coding. This oversimplification example would be an example for hardest difficulty :p and if you would put this code into the program (meaning all other codes would look like this) i think it will be... euhm... very very ugly coding and a challenge
haha xd)